Monday, November 1, 2010

Reason #5 Quicker Occupancy - Why Modular Buildings over Steel Buildings

Everyone want to be able to move in to their new location or building as soon as possible. With modular construction you can open that new location or expand your current building fast than steel buildings or metal buildings. Modular Buildings have less delays due to weather conditions and allow for simultaneous construction.

  • Weather Delays - Both modular buildings and steel building require foundation work be completed in preparation for your new building. They differ in the next step in the construction process. Construction of site built steel buildings or metal buildings are often negatively impacted by the weather. Our modular building are constructed in a climate controlled 65,000 square feet assembly line facility. If it's raining outside, the construction process continues inside our facility avoiding costly delays.
  • Simultaneous Construction - Get twice as much done in the same time period. Unlike steel buildings or metal buildings, both the foundation work and the construction of the building can occur at the same time. While your preparing your site, we'll be constructing your new buildings. This speeds up the construction time by allow both foundation work and building construction to occur simultaneously. How much time can this save? It can gat you in you new modular building by as much so 9 months faster.
These two benefits of modular construction not only saves you time, but money. You can learn more about the benefits of modular building construction by visiting our website or by clicking here.