Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reason #7 Quality Control - Modular Building vs Steel Buildings

The Quality Control process for a modular building is far more expensive than than of a steel building. Modular designs are reviewed extensively by Engineers for structural concerns, 3rd Party Agencies for code compliance, and State Modular review programs. This process of checks and balances ensures your building meets guidelines of ADA, Life Safety, and Natural Disaster codes. Wilkins own Quality Control Manager and 3rd Party Agencies review your building throughout the construction process. Since a steel building or metal building is only the shell of the building, code compliance is handled in two phases. The first phase deals directly with the building structure or shell and the second phase of the interior components is handled is the interior is built. This lack of review of a building as a whole, is far below the quality standards in a modular building. You can learn more about the benefits of modular construction by visiting our website or by clicking here.